Minggu, 27 September 2020

My Ambition for the future

 My Ambition for the future

I always think what I want in the future, I mean what I want to achieve for life. Until now I am still confused about where do I want to continue my education after graduating from high school? But there are things I want to achieve or at least do before I graduate High school or turning 18 years old.


I want to stop visiting social media until I am 18 years old. The point is that for the time being I want to limit my use of social media, especially Instagram. Why Instagram? Because that application always interferes and diverts my focus when I want to do something. For example, when I want to study or at least read books, I will easily get bored and check Instagram, the problem is when I become addicted and waste time which in the end can make me have a headache because it takes too long to see the cellphone screen. So I lose focus and enthusiasm for learning and worship.


Second, I want to memorize at least chalter 29 of the Quran. Even though I have memorized 2 chapters of the Quran, it's not enough if I haven't memorized juz 29 because that juz is the most memorized juz after 30. My hope is to memorize the Al-Quran. The Quran should be at least 3 juz after turning 18 years old. Hopefully I can be istiqomah in Al-Quran Aamiin.


Third, can speak Arabic. As a Muslim, learning Arabic is a very important thing in religious life, because learning Arabic can make it easier to deepen religious knowledge so that life is more focused. My father once said that Arabic is a science of tools, with these tools we can learn more about religion, such as studying the books and hadith. Also have the opportunity to study in Arabic and i hope i got a chance to learn in foreign country especially in arab or japan :D

Fourth,can speak japanese.since i used to watch anime as a hobbies i think that maybe learning japanese can help me undertstand more what the characters are talking about without subtitle ,also learning japanese can help me understand more about technology since japan is known for it's "10 years ahead" In terms of technology and that was an amazing experience if i can learn it


When discussing the achievements that make me proud, I will mention the achievement of being close to the orphan / orphanage. Because as we know, people who are close to orphans will be blessed by Allah and be close to the Prophet in heaven later.

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