Minggu, 27 September 2020

My Ambition for the future

 My Ambition for the future

I always think what I want in the future, I mean what I want to achieve for life. Until now I am still confused about where do I want to continue my education after graduating from high school? But there are things I want to achieve or at least do before I graduate High school or turning 18 years old.


I want to stop visiting social media until I am 18 years old. The point is that for the time being I want to limit my use of social media, especially Instagram. Why Instagram? Because that application always interferes and diverts my focus when I want to do something. For example, when I want to study or at least read books, I will easily get bored and check Instagram, the problem is when I become addicted and waste time which in the end can make me have a headache because it takes too long to see the cellphone screen. So I lose focus and enthusiasm for learning and worship.


Second, I want to memorize at least chalter 29 of the Quran. Even though I have memorized 2 chapters of the Quran, it's not enough if I haven't memorized juz 29 because that juz is the most memorized juz after 30. My hope is to memorize the Al-Quran. The Quran should be at least 3 juz after turning 18 years old. Hopefully I can be istiqomah in Al-Quran Aamiin.


Third, can speak Arabic. As a Muslim, learning Arabic is a very important thing in religious life, because learning Arabic can make it easier to deepen religious knowledge so that life is more focused. My father once said that Arabic is a science of tools, with these tools we can learn more about religion, such as studying the books and hadith. Also have the opportunity to study in Arabic and i hope i got a chance to learn in foreign country especially in arab or japan :D

Fourth,can speak japanese.since i used to watch anime as a hobbies i think that maybe learning japanese can help me undertstand more what the characters are talking about without subtitle ,also learning japanese can help me understand more about technology since japan is known for it's "10 years ahead" In terms of technology and that was an amazing experience if i can learn it


When discussing the achievements that make me proud, I will mention the achievement of being close to the orphan / orphanage. Because as we know, people who are close to orphans will be blessed by Allah and be close to the Prophet in heaven later.

Minggu, 26 Juli 2020

Giving and asking for opinion

Giving and asking for opinion

A:I want to buy a new phone, but theres so much options to choose from, Any advice?
B : what phone class are you looking for?
A:excuse me?
B:like entry level, mid-range, flagship phone.it depends on your budget btw.
A:I think im looking for mid range phone.any suggestion?
B : based on my experience, i think*taking out his phone* this is the phone you're looking for. 
A:What phone is that?
B:This Siomay,a phone brand that well known by its cheap but high spec smartphone.I'm using the note 7 type, compact even if it’s 6 inch. The interface is also user friendly. 4GB RAM and 128GB internal memory.and it cost me only Rp2.500.000
A: What do you think of it? Is it okay?
B :For me, it’s enough, since I only use it for texting, chatting, checking e-mails, making calls, and gaming
A:.When did you buy this phone of yours?
B: Around three weeks ago, I guess.
A: Then the price wouldn’t be so different now. Do you think the budget fit me?
B : I think It’s pretty cheap considering you got that mid-high specs compared to any other brand with the exact same feature. Trust me, this is a bargain.
A: All right. I’ll look for it. Thanks.B!

Senin, 13 Juli 2020

Suggestion and offer

Hi guys! 
In this post i would like to discuss about "Suggestion and Offer".
It's also one of the topics that i will study this semester. 

Lets get to the point shall we? 

Suggestion (noun) in Indonesian means " Saran".  Suggestion is an expression used to express a suggestion or advice.  Examples of expressions that can be used to express suggestions are as follows.

- You should ...

 - You ought to ...

 - It's better for you to ...

 - I suggest you ...

 - I advise you to ...

 - Why don't we / you ...?

 - How about ...?

 - You had better ...

 - Let's ...

 Example sentences of advice:

 - You should sleep early (you should sleep early)

 - How about making a cake? (how about making a cake?)

 - Let's go to the beach (let's go to the beach)


 In English, Offer can be used as a verb meaning to offer or as noun which means offer. Offer is an expression used to offer a favor or an item. The following is an example sentence that is used to express an offer:

 a. To offer help we can use the following expression:

 - May I help you?

 - Can I help you?

 - What can I do for you?

 - Would you like me to ...?

 - Can I lend you a hand with that?

 b. To offer goods we can use the following expression:

 - Would you like some ...?

 - Would you like something to ...?

 - Should I get you ...?

 - What can I get for you?

 Example sentences offer:

 - Would you like some tea? (do you want tea?)

 - Would you like me to get you a drink? (do you want me to help you?)

 - Should I get you a bandage? (should I get a bandage for you?)

 From the explanation above, we can draw the conclusion that the use of suggestions and offers are quite different. Suggestion is used to give advice to others while offer is used to offer help or goods to others. The phrase used to express suggestion and offer is different.

The Following Dialogue is an example for using Suggestion and Offer:

A: Hi B! For independence day later ... what if you join the competition to
 represent our class?

 B: Hi, hmmm ... OK, but what competition do you think is suit for me?

 A: What about the tarik tambang contest? Because you often exercise physically so you can definitely compete with other classes.

 B: that's suit me, but ... I heard competition is already full of members?

 A: That's right, what if you switch places with C? Because he didn't want to join tarik tambanh contest, he wanted to take part in the sack race.

 B: please ask him, if he agrees then I'm willing to take part in the tarik tambang competition.

 A: Alright.

 * 20 minutes later *

 A: Hi C! I heard you joined the tarik tambanh competition,is that right? 

 C: right, but I do not want to join this contest.

 A: what competition do you want to take?

 C: Race sack.

 A: Well, by chance B wants to join the tarik tambang, it's just that it's full of members, would you like to switch roles with him?

 C: Of Course!

 * B is coming *

 C: Hi B after I discussed with A what if we just exchanged the role of the competition? You joined the tarik tambang while I joined the sack competition.

 B: Wow! Of course!

 A: Alright then you guys switch roles now. 

 B&C: Ok, thank you A!

 A: You're welcome

Senin, 24 Februari 2020

Bandung Sea Of Fire

Bandung,Sea of Fire

Bandung Sea of Fire is a large fire events that occurred in the city of Bandung, West Java province, Indonesia on March 23, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burn their homes, leaving the city to the mountains in the south of Bandung. This is done to prevent the Allied soldiers and NICA Netherlands to be able to use the city of Bandung as a military strategic headquarters in the Indonesian War of Independence.

British troops part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Singapore on October 12, 1945. Since the beginning of their relationship with the government of Indonesia has been strained. They demanded that all firearms in the hands of the population, except for TKR and police, handed over to them. Dutch people newly released from prison camp began to take actions that begin to disrupt security. As a result, armed clashes between England and TKR unavoidable. Night November 21, 1945, TKR and agencies struggle launched an attack on the British positions in the north, including the Hotel Homann and Hotel Preanger which they use as a headquarters. Three days later, MacDonald delivered an ultimatum to the governor of North Bandung of West Java vacated by residents of Indonesia, including the armed forces.

Allied ultimatum that the Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI, the designation for the military at the time) to leave the city of Bandung encourage TRI to perform the operation "bumihangus". The fighters of the Republic of Indonesia is not willing parties if Bandung used by the Allies and NICA. Bandung burned decision to be reached by consensus Assembly Persatoean Priangan Struggle (MP3) in the presence of all the power struggle of the Republic of Indonesia, on March 23, 1946 [2]. Colonel Abdel Haris Nasution as the Commander of Division III TRI announce the results of the meetings and ordered the evacuation of the city of Bandung. [Need citation needed] That same day, a large group Bandung long flowing population left the city of Bandung and the burning of the town took place that night.

Bandung TRI and intentionally burned by local people with the intention that the Allies can not use the Bandung as a military strategic headquarters. Everywhere black smoke billowing soar in the air and all of a power failure. British troops began to attack so fierce fighting occurred. The greatest battles took place in the village of Dayeuhkolot, south of Bandung, where there are a large ammunition depot belonging to Allied. In this battle Muhammad Toha and Ramdan, two militiamen BRI (Barisan Indonesian people) falls on a mission to destroy the ammunition depot. Muhammad Toha managed to detonate the dynamite warehouse. Big warehouse exploded and burned along with two militants in it. Bandung city administration staff will initially remain in the city, but for the sake of their safety, then at 21.00 it was also in the group who evacuated from Bandung. Since that time, approximately 24.00 South Bandung was empty of inhabitants and TRI. But the fire still burning city rising, so Bandung became a sea of ​​fire.

Bandung scorched earth is considered to be an appropriate strategy in the War of Independence of Indonesia because of the strength of TRI and people's militia is not comparable to the strength of the Allies and NICA large amounts. After the incident, along with people's militia TRI guerrilla resistance from outside Bandung. These events inspired the song Halo, Halo Bandung creator name is still a matter of debate.

A few years later, the song "Halo, Halo Bandung" is officially written, into the memory of the emotions that the freedom fighters of the Republic of Indonesia experienced at that time, waiting to return to their beloved city that has become a sea of ​​fire..
In a nutshell :) (sourece:9gag)

Minggu, 26 Januari 2020

Story Telling:Horizon Zero Dawn

horizon zero dawn

Image result for horizon zero dawn poster

horizon zero dawn is one of exsclusive PS4 game.this game tells a story from 2033,Ted Faro creates FARO Automated Solution,and hire Dr.Elisabeth Sobeck,a robotic genius.but when they start building war machines,Dr.Sobeck quits and goes to create Eart-Friendly robot.

Then,Faro's robot replicate like crazy and consume all earth biomass.and Dr.Sobeck created GAIA an AI(overseen by alphas)to slowly restore life after the plague,and they permanently seal themselves to work on the AI amd Sobeck sacrifices her life to protect the facilities from the plague along with the people around the world through Operation:Enduring Victory.

Image result for project zero dawnImage result for operation enduring victory
Image result for operation enduring victory

Unfortunately Faro mudrdered the remaining alphas,GAIA facilities go on to artificially create humans,years later a mysterious signal sent to GAIA causing it ti perform erratically and a rogue AI called HADES attempts to overtake it and in defences GAIA initiates Self-Destruct protocol.

Fast forward to 31st century.The human society consist of 3 primal tribe:the Nora,Carja,and Oseram.They coexist on earth with large robotic machines but a derrangement has cause more aggresion and violence from the robotic creatures.

3021,Aloy is discovered by the Nora tribe,however,she is quickly outcast from the tribe and raised by Rost,Rost train Aloy as a fierce hunter,but one day she falls down a large-subterranean ruin.There,she found a "Focus",which gives her special persceptive abilities.

During this time the Nora are at a civil war with the Carja tribe.Rost train Aloy for the proving,a tournament that test the balance and strength of adolescent againts enemies.Aloy wins,allowing into the tribe.But the Nora are attacked by a cult called The Eclipse,and Rost sacrifices himself to save Aloy.

Matriarch how the cult has fallen control of corrupted machines,and Aloy learns she is targeted due to her resemblance to Sobeck.Aloy find remnants of Faro's robots,and learns of Project Zero Dawn,through holographic recording files that still exist,and Silence tell her of the base underneath the citadel.

Aloy go there and accesses Dr.Sobeck old office,and gains acces to the machine from which she was born,but is captured by Helis,the Eclipse leader and sentenced to death by fighting corrupted robot .She escapes however with the help of silence carrying robot troops.

Aloy and The Nora fight the eclipse that has surrounded The Nora before,and Aloy finds a GAIA recording which HADES attempt to destroy life,and reveals Aloy is Sobeck's clone.Silence admit he was the the original founder of The Eclipse,and was tempted by HADES with the promise of knowledge.

HADES plans to reactivate Faro's robots and continue earth's extincion.Aloy battles waves of corrupted machines,and eventually stabs HADES with silence lance which had previously been paired with a tool called "Master Override" which she discovered when she found a holographic footage showing Faro's kill the remaining alpha's long time ago.

The war ends,and Aloy travel to Sobeck's old home and finds her body.Hades however is still alive and trapped by Silence,who attempts to interrogate him to find who initially sent the signal activating him.

heres the link for my story telling video:

Minggu, 12 Januari 2020



yes, the closing holiday of the 2010's as well as my semester break is practically fun.well, i spend most of the time in my house, the oprhanage and my 'house'

Im not an orphan and my parents are there,taking care of the orphan as i mentioned in the previous blog but not at the end of the year because they returned to their hometowns to spend the holiday with their family,also for me my parents and i are spend the semester break in my 'house' at Ujung Berung,Bandung 

In the first week I did what other people do in their daily activities such as wake up early to pray,help my mother do the homework,daily pray,playing games etc. but not only that my family carrying out thanksgiving activities for the completion of house construction by inviting family,and relatives before my Dad went to Saaudi Arabia to carry out his duty as  an umra guide in one of religious travel company in the next day.
Hasil gambar untuk mecca"
Some of my relatives are stay in my house for about 1 week and my cousin asked me and my mother to go somewhere to spend the holiday,but me and my mother refuse to come with them as my mother need to do the homework.

oh yes, I forgot to tell you that I haven't been fully on holiday because the next day I have to go to lapang bali to take part in the dewa athena activities while taking the first semester report card.  I do homework everyday. with my mom But my mother invited me and some friends of the orphanage to visit a mall at ujung berung to watch the latest film of the month.

And also some of my relative (different people) from batambvisited my house for the first time, with them I visited many places such as the kawah putih, siti patengan and many more. i spent new year's eve in the plaza of bandung city while looking at the sky filled with fireworks, and the next day they returned to their home and 2 days after that my father returned from Umrah. And on January 6 it was time to go to school.

Aaaannndddd that's it  
That's my holiday
How about you?

Procedure:How to stop being a procastinator with dopamine detox

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